What is a Vegetarian?
One thing that is seldom discussed is what a vegetarian is. This becomes important when understanding what research says. There may be a popular idea out there that envisions a vegetarian as someone who only eats vegetables. This is not always the case.
There are laco-vegetarians who consume dairy products, ovo-vegetarians who eat eggs and a combination of the two. Then there are strict vegetarians and vegans who only consume raw foods. There is also a large class of people who call themselves vegetarians, but consume very little vegetables, they mostly eat refined carbohydrates and survive off pasta and rice. This last group would not enjoy any health benefits of being vegetarians.
"As Muslims we must also be careful not to make what Allah made halal into something haram." |
Vegetarians must consume supplements in order to avoid vitamin deficiency and the complications associated with such deficiencies. Vitamin B-12 and the long chain Omega-3 fatty acids being the most notable deficiencies, the best source being found in meat. Studies also indicate that when a vegetarian does become ill, say with cancer, their survival rate is much lower than an omnivore’s (eats meat and vegetables). It was found that lacto-vegetarians enjoy better health than vegans (Weaver). Also, as Muslims we must also be careful not to make what Allah made halal into something haram.
Fiber, Phytonutrients and Cancer
People do not eat enough vegetables, period. What these studies reveal is not so much that everyone should be the vegetarian lifestyle, but that we all should be consuming more fruits and vegetables. India, which is known for its vegetarian lifestyle is not cancer free and amazingly it has some of highest rates of heart disease in the world. (Sinha, et al.)
When it comes to cancer, it is fiber and the phytonutrients (plant nutrients) that offer up prevention against this disease. Vegetarians eat more vegetables, so they experience more of the benefits than other populations. Traditional societies in Africa once upon a time consumed up to 65 grams of fiber a day and were free of many diseases. Today, as a nutritionist, I am happy if I can get someone to consume 25-35 grams a day. Fiber helps clean out the body by binding to toxins and waste products on their way out of the body. This can be of great assistance in removing excess hormones, environmental contaminants, and metabolic waste.
Phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables are some of the most potent anti-cancer substances (two of which are not readily available in vegetables, supporting the omnivore diet.)
Nutrients that offer the greatest protection are (Divisi et al.):
· Selenium
· Folic acid
· Vitamin B12 (found in meat)
· Vitamin D (found in meat)
· Chlorophyll
· Antioxidants
· Carotenes (a-carotene, B-carotene, lycopene, lutine, cryptoxanthin)
As we go through our daily lives, we are exposed to carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substance and mutagens (substances that can alter cells) all the time. The more fruits and vegetables we eat gives our bodies ways to stop those effects. The more of these nutrients we have in our bodies, the more "damage" we can sustain. Just breathing causes oxidation. Today our food supply is awash with rancid oils that are so damaging to cells and are carcinogenic.
Antioxidants are found abundantly in dark berries, red grapes, deep sea fatty fish, and dark leafy greens. The best sources of vitamin D are cold water fish, cod liver oil, butter and egg yolks. The best form of B-12 is found in liver and other organ meats, while seaweed is a rich source of chlorophyll. The carotenes are found in brightly colored vegetables (yellow and orange). Beans, green leafy vegetables like spinach, collards and kale are rich sources of folic acid. Wheat germ, Brazil nuts and red Swiss chard are good sources of selenium.
I want to mention soy here. There have been various studies claiming that soy prevents cancer, however, according to a 2004 study shows that the health benefits seem only to apply to the traditional Japanese condiments or fermented soy products. Tofu and soy milk, due to the processing they undergo, are not healthful foods. (Allred, et al.)
A study conducted in 2003 found that eating fruit in childhood had a long term protective effect against cancer – so moms, put out a big bowl of fruit for the children. (Maynard, et al.)
Overdoing It
There are some foods, when eaten in excess, were found to contribute to cancer (Key, et al). These foods are:
· Preserved meat
· High amounts of saturated fats
· High amounts of red meat
· High amounts of Omega 6 oils
· Dry/salt preserved fish
· Very hot drinks
Preserved meats, like sandwich meat, contain many substances that are toxins. If prepared at home, this is not an issue. Studies do not specify what types of saturated fats were used in the study and indicate that there is no "definitive connection" between fat intake and cancer. Rancid fats and damaged fats like corn, canola, hydrogenated oils and heated olive oil contribute to cancer.
People eat too much meat. Eating meat at every meal and every day is not moderation. Study after study has shown that over consuming meat is hazardous to one's health, especially when that meat is full of antibiotics and pumped full with growth hormones.
Personally, I eat meat 1-2 times a week, if that much. Interestingly, researchers also found that drinking very hot beverages is associated with a high risk of cancer of the esophagus which is very prevalent in India.
Should I Use Dietary Supplements?
The question inevitably comes up as to whether or not dietary supplementation is worth the money and the effort. Most supplements are going to differ from person to person, but taking a good multivitamin as well as an antioxidant are all steps anyone can take after asking his or her doctor to prevent any disease.
A 2006 study found that probiotics and digestive enzymes are well worth taking as a dietary measure to prevent cancer (Divisi, et al.). In the world that we live in dietary supplementation are a good preventative and health building measure.
Genetics vs. environment and nature vs. nurture are the wild cards in cancer prevention. Some people are more susceptible to cancer than others. Then there are the environmental contaminants that are mutagens and carcinogens that can cause cancer in people with no known genetic propensity for cancer.
In either case, supplementation of antioxidants and a good multivitamin can help in eliminating both wild cards. More importantly, remember to eat at least 4 servings of fruits and 6 servings of vegetables a day.
For further information, The World's Healthiest Foods (www.whfoods.com) is a good source for information on the best foods to eat to prevent disease.