Banyak kajian telah dilakukan keatas green tea atau teh hijau dan di dapati banyak khasiat kesihatan yang boleh di manafaat kan. Antara kandungan khasiat teh hijau yang boleh diperolehi dengan minum secara berterusan produk yang mengandungi green tea adalah:
- Membantu mengawal tekanan darah tinggi
- Green tea / teh hijau boleh membantu kesihatan dengan mengurangkan tekanan darah dengan merencat tindakan Angiotensin II.
- Membantu mengawal paras gula darah
- Polyphenols dan Polysaccharides dapat memberi kesan manafaat kepada paras gula dalam darah.
- Membantu dalam sesetengah penyakit barah
- Kandungan Catechins Green Tea dilihat memberi kesan perawatan kepada sesetengah barah.
- Menguatkan sistem imun
- Kepekatan Polyphenols dan Flavenoids teh hijau yang tinggi boleh membantu kesihatan sistem imun tubuh.
- Menurunkan aras kolesterol
- Paras antioksidan Green Tea yang tinggi boleh membantu mengurangkan paras kolesterol.
- Menggalakkan pembakaran lemah
- Kehilangan lemak yang dilihat kepada peminum Green Tea lebih khusus kepada lemak di viscera (lemak di dalam kaviti abdomen, usus dan organ dalaman yang lebih dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko sindrom metabolik dan diabetes jenis 2).
Tiga komponen utama perawatan yang penting adalah Catechins, Caffeine dan Theanine dengan cara merencat jus gastrik dan pankreas untuk penghadamam.
- Kehilangan lemak yang dilihat kepada peminum Green Tea lebih khusus kepada lemak di viscera (lemak di dalam kaviti abdomen, usus dan organ dalaman yang lebih dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko sindrom metabolik dan diabetes jenis 2).
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by Monica on October 17, 2008
Still haven’t ditched your toxic deodorant, toothpaste or mouthwash because you’re worried about odor? Liquid chlorophyll is one of the most underrated, yet most beneficial natural products available and might be the answer to helping you take one more great green step towards total health.
So what is chlorophyll? In basic terms, chlorophyll is what makes plants green. Through photosynthesis, plants convert the sun’s energy into chlorophyll and then release oxygen into the atmosphere. (Flashback to high school biology anyone?) Just as blood is important for human life, chlorophyll is important for plant life. If the chlorophyll is drained from a plant, it will die.
The benefits of chlorophyll, found in both foods and supplements are numerous. Chlorophyll is best known as a powerful anti-oxidant, cleanser, and detox with anti-inflammatory properties. It stimulates and assists in the repair and healing of damaged tissues. Chlorophyll is also a wonderful filter for pollutants; in fact, regular ingestion of chlorophyll has proven to be a great neutralizer of environmental pollution and would be beneficial for smokers. Chlorophyll has great deodorizing properties and can reduce body odor and bad breath. Chlorophyll has also been known to fight the deposit of carcinogens in the body and is known to help in dealing with the side-effects of drugs and other toxins.
What’s the best way to get it in your diet? The best sources of chlorophyll are raw, leafy green vegetables, Wheatgrass, barley, alfalfa, and Spirulina (blue green algae). Keep in mind that cooking vegetables, even lightly usually kills the chlorophyll content in the plant. Another fantastic source is Liquid Chlorophyll from Nature’s Sunshine. I’m not affiliated with this brand but have found that it is the most refreshing and tasty liquid chlorophyll (also preservative free in Canada!) that I have come across yet. I have not been able to confirm if there is a preservative free version in the USA, though I expect they’ll roll out a version due to popular demand.
Taking liquid chlorophyll has helped me let go of the last of my questionable personal care products. It truly cleanses and deodorizes from the inside out and I no longer need any fancy soaps, pastes, washes, creams or sprays. It’s become my refreshing ritual to have a glass of water and liquid chlorophyll first thing in the morning and I feel energized even before having breakfast.
How do you get your daily dose of super greens?
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Tentang ALFALFA Dan Klorofil
Sejak zaman dahulu lagi, manusia maupun binatang tahu mengenai khasiat tumbuhan hijau. Namun mereka masih belum faham atau tahu bahawa daun hijau yang mereka makan itu mengandungi klorofil yang bermaksud 'daun hijau' di dalam bahasa Greek.
ALFAMINT mengandungi klorofil dari daun Alfalfa yang segar. Alfalfa adalah sejenis legume yang paling kaya dengan klorofil, sekurang-kurangnya 4 kali lebih tinggi daripada sayur-sayuran biasa. Sebab itulah bila orang Arab dari Persia pertama kali menjumpai tumbuhan hijau tersebut beberapa ratus tahun dahulu, mereka menggelarnya "Bapa kepada makanan".
Alfalfa mempunyai akar yang dalam sekurang-kurangnya 30 meter ke bawah tanah. Dengan itu, tumbuhan tersebut dapat menyerap kekayaan dalam tanah seperti: Selenium, Silicon, tin, zink dan galian seperti potasium, prosperos, gangsa, kobalt, kromium, kalsium, mangan, magnesium, besi dengan alfa dan beta karotin, kabohidrat, protien, vitamen A, C, D, E, F dan B komplek, Fibrin dan sedikit lemak. Ia juga mengandungi 8 keperluan asid amino.
Alfalfa adalah tumbuhan di dunia yang mempunyai paling banyak alkali. Alkali ini menolong mengimbangkan asid bisa dalam badan. Protien yang terkandung dalam alfalfa adalah 18.9% berbanding dengan daging lembu 16.5%, susu 3.3% dan telur 13.1%. Kalsium dalam alfalfa adalah 14 kali lebih daripada benih gandum dan 144 kali daripada hati.
Penyakit Yang Dapat Dipulihkan Melalui Cecair Klorofil Sumber: | |
Perumpamaan Cina : "Lebih baik berlapar selama 3 hari dari sehari tidak minum Green Tea".
Green Tea telah diamalkan di Negeri Cina semenjak 4000 tahun dahulu. Orang cina telah menggunakan kebaikan Green Tea untuk merawat segala macam penyakit dari sakit kepala sehingga kemurungan.
Kesemua jenis teh adalah dari jenis pokok yang sama iaitu Camellia Sinensis. Kaedah pemprosesan membezakan jenis teh:
- hijau
- hitam
- oolong
Kini kajian saintifik telah membongkarkan rahsia kebaikan Green Tea antaranya seperti di dalam Journal Of The National Cancer Institute, 1994, mengatakan satu kajian epidemiologi menunjukkan yang meminum Green Tea mengurangkan risiko barah esophagus dikalangan lelaki dan wanita Cina sebanyak 60%.
Secara umum Green Tea didapati menyihatkan apabila diminum semasa rawatan barah, arthritis rheumatoid, aras kolesterol tinggi, penyakit kardiovaskular, jangkitan dan penurunan fungsi imun.
Kenapa Green Tea Istimewa?
Rahsianya adalah paras catechin polyphenois yang tinggi khususnya epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG adalah antioksidan yang hebat. Antioksidan Green Tea 100 kali lebih berkesan berbanding vitamin C dan 25 kali lebih kuat dari Vitamin E dari segi perlindungan sel dan DNA daripada kerosakan oksidan ia juga dianggar 2 kali lebih baik dari resveratol yang terdapat dalam wine merah.
Antioksidan yang kuat telah dibuktikan berupaya melawan virus, melambatkan penuaan dan mempunyai kesan baik keatas kesihatan. Radikal bebas adalah molekul yang amat reaktif dan boleh mencederakan sel dalam badan dan seterusnya menjadikan badan terdedah kepada pembentukan barah, penyakit jantung dan penyakit degeneratif dan metabolik.
Catechin memusnahkan radikal bebas dan mempunyai kesan yang menakjubkan ke atas kesihatan seluruh badan.
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Looking for the most natural and effective way to keep your body in shape? Then a green tea diet is the perfect solution for you! There have been discoveries and reports that green tea extracts can increase your metabolism, therefore helping you burn fat and lose weight much faster. Now, isn’t that amazing? It’s also completely safe and economical to drink because it’s 100% natural and a lot cheaper than other weight loss supplements.
Green tea has long been considered as a natural remedy for pain and other medical problems. It has been used even during the ancient times, and it still continues to perform wonders for us today. Aside from its healing capabilities, this herbal drink also contains antioxidants that protect you from free-radicals and slow down the aging process. So it does not only help you lose fat but makes you look younger as well.
Researchers believed that the normal rate of burning calories from 8-10%, but when they experimented with the tea, they were thrilled with the results because the percentage reached up to 14%. This outcome can be achieved if you drink the beverage on a daily basis, ideally during daytime because that’s when your metabolism works best.
One of the reasons why green tea boosts the burning of calories is because it contains a special ingredient called catechin that prevents free-radicals from damaging your body after a heavy workout. The beverage also has large quantities of potent antioxidants which help fight aging. These natural elements protect us from harmful diseases and illness while keeping our bodies fit at the same time.
For the best results, drink one cup of tea every day after every meal and soon you’ll notice your body has become much slimmer and healthier. Being in shape not only increases your self-esteem but also makes you feel good inside because the herbal ingredients are always cleansing your system from bacteria.
This herbal weight loss drink should always be part of your daily intake so that you can take advantage of its natural elements and achieve a sexier body in no time. Whether you’re a body builder or just someone who wants to get rid of unwanted fat, a green tea diet is the right answer for you! Now you don’t need to waste your money on ineffective products because you can easily stay fit with this wonderful tea.
So why not get yourself a green tea diet today so you can receive the amazing benefits from one the world’s most famous beverages and medical remedies. It’s Mother Nature’s gift to keep you healthy and in shape!
Julie Health loves to write on weight loss and green tea at her blog about the green tea benefits.